Saturday, November 21, 2009

Basterds, 500 Days of a Bitch and Tofurkey

Hey everyone! I've been away from the blog for a while. Out of town set visits (I'm in Baton Rouge right now), shoots and holidays. No, I didn't eat tofurky, though I actually think it's yummy. Anyway, one of the things that happens at my house during this wonderful time of the year is the "Arrival of the Screeners". This is when I get to know which UPS and FedEx people have been fucking up deliveries and throwing packages at my door all year. Now they have no place to hide. They show up 1-3 times a day, they see me in my pajamas (come on, I work at'd do it too) and they begin to feel guilty about their bad behavior. Or they think I have crazy eyes and fear my wrath. Not sure which.

Seriously, it's really good! Stop laughing.

Anyway, I've been catching up on movies and I thought I'd share my thoughts. This past week, I rewatched Inglourious Basterds. Damn, damn, damn I love that movie!!! It's still my best reviewed film of the year. (Click HERE for the review if you're interested.) Christoph Waltz gives an incredible performance. Seriously, if you miss this one, I'm coming over there and scalping you. Trust me, that makes sense if you see the movie.

(*note: Jenna will not come to your house and scalp you for legal reasons. She will merely rough you up via email.)

The amazing Christoph Waltz.

Truely, if he doesn't win an Oscar for this role, I'll eat my wireless mouse. I just got a chance to interview Christoph during a set visit for The Green Hornet and he couldn't have been cooler. I can't reveal anything about his role or what I saw there quite yet, but it just adds to the coolness, doesn't it? Doing a film like Hornet after Basterds?

The Green Hornet's car, Black Beauty. I just got to ride in this! I would really love a couple of those Gatling guns for my Honda. Not that I'd shoot them, you understand. I just think people would get the hell out of my way if they thought I would.

I also watched the critically acclaimed 500 Days of Summer this week. (Still amuses me to think that "critically acclaimed" sometimes includes me.) I didn't cover this one when it first came out and after hearing everyone gushing over it, I was excited to check it out. Now, you know I'm not a big fan of chick flicks. The Proposal was a total fluke. (Review is HERE...and it wasn't just because of Ryan Reynolds and his very pretty abs. I swear.)

Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt in a chick flick. Sigh.

Listen, I appreciate that they tried to do something different here. It's not your typical girl movie. I actually like love stories. Don't get me wrong. I just don't like the formulaic boy-meets-girl, boy/girl-does-something-stupid, boy/girl's-crazy-friend/family-does-something-stupid, misunderstanding-is-cleared-up-in-a-clever-way-and-there-is-a-dog-or-an-old-person-who-reminds-us-all-what-is-important sort of film. So at least this was something different.

Here is my problem with it. Zooey's character has absolutely no redeeming qualities. (Other than her cuteness, which was pointed out to me by a fellow critic. A guy, of course.) Seriously, who would stay with someone like that? If the sexes were reversed, we'd call the girl a pathetic idiot. We'd say she needs therapy. Someone tells you that they have no interest in a relationship, they're not in love with you, they (SPOILER ALERT...JUMP TO NEXT PARAGRAPH IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT) quickly take up with someone else, wait for you in a park and tell you that they just needed someone else to be happy. You would slap them! Seriously, it's just plain mean.

Still my favorite love story of all time.

I spent the entire film waiting for her to change or for him to grow a pair and leave. There has to be someone out there who agrees. (I liked the musical number though.)

Anyway, gotta run. I have to get some food before we head off to the set. I'll post more of these micro reviews as I go through the stack of screeners. I'd love to hear your thoughts....

Finally, I just heard the worst local commercial in history and I had to share it with you. I'm sure it's a great college, but wow that music is bad! Check out the VIDEO.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Gaggle of Geeky Goodness (and Mya)

Sorry I didn't have time to blog the past two days. It's been a bit nutty. But boy do I have a list of geeky goodness for you, with more to come.

And by the way, if certain Twitter people don't like what a star says about a comic book, or thinks that said star is not correct, please take that up with the star. I'm just the messenger...don't shoot me, please.

He laughed! He didn't slap me or use the Vulcan nerve grip! I love him.

She had beds brought into the studio so she doesn't need to leave.

He suggested having Spock play Nirvana on the harp in the sequel.

Dude has CRAZY eyes!

I have to wait until fucking 2012 to see the next STAR TREK? Frak!

He swears that Priest vamps have fangs.

Damn it, I'm just telling you what she said!

I'm the one that suggested Greg Grunberg as a red if it happens, you have me to thank. ;)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Star Trek red carpet pics, It's Always Sunny interviews and finally, my interview with Ming-Na

Last night was one of the coolest ever for a geek chick like me. I got to attend the Star Trek DVD/Blu-ray release red carpet at the Griffith Observatory. And Spock was there! Both of them! I'll have a bunch of pieces coming up, but in the meantime, I have pics from the red carpet. (Scroll down to see!)

It doesn't look like this when I see it from my hike.

Sorry this one is short, but I've been typing up interviews all day. And an R.I.P piece for Ken Ober, the host of Remote Control who died yesterday at the age of 52. Sigh. It means I'm older than I like to admit, and that I once loved cheesy TV. (Check out the post in my Forces of Geek column "It's Geek to Me" HERE)

R.I.P. Ken Ober! Thanks for all the laughs...and the chips.

Huffington Post finally ran my interview with the lovely and surprisingly geeky Ming-Na. You know I'm always thrilled to find another girl geek. And I'm absolutely loving SGU. Check it out, and tell me what you think. (And I'm only telling you this because you're my friends, but I used to watch her way back when she was on As the World Turns. Don't tell anyone I was girly enough to watch soaps in the past. I had chicken pox for two weeks as a teen and I got hooked.)

Ming-Na used to play as an elf in Dungeons & Dragons!

I also had two pieces from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia run today. In the first, "'It's Always Sunny' When Danny DeVito is Naked On Christmas" we learn about their upcoming Xmas special, and about the naked elves and asses we'll get to see.

The cast of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Strangely enough, they cut the word "penis" from my article, but left in "dick towel". Huh.

In the second, "'It's Always Sunny...' Cast Picks the Weirdest Holiday Movies" I ask one of my weird questions, "What's the weirdest or worst Christmas movie you've ever seen?" Look, I worked in retail for years. Christmas makes me shudder. If I hear "Santa Baby" one more time, I'm going to slap the next guy dressed as Santa that I pass. Just saying.

Anyway, enjoy the pics. I'm spending the rest of the night prepping for a set visit. Can't tell you what yet, but I will as soon as they pull the gun away from my head. Night!

Karl Urban, "Bones" in Star Trek. And "Black Hat" in the upcoming film, Priest.

The man himself, JJ Abrams.

Spock in a cardigan. Not sure why that weirds me out.

Can't believe he was here!!!!

Zoe Saldana loves being a kick ass chick.

John Cho...I caught the poor dear with a strange expression. Not his fault I'm a sucky photog.

Spock Prime!!! And I didn't do the salute. I tried to play it cool.

Green Star Trek chicks.

Griffith Observatory, all Trekked out...I mean, decked out. ;)

Monday, November 16, 2009

JoBlo Movie Podcast, Win the Fight Club Blu-ray and The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins

So my Saturday night was spent on my couch with some wine, a rabbit by my ear and the fantastic Johnny Moreno...alright, that part was over Skype. I was filling in for Jim Law on The Good, The Bad and the JoBlo Movie Podcast. (I hear other people go out on Saturday nights) I've been a guest before, but this time, I got to co-host. Poor, poor Moreno. We talked about how the Planet 51 aliens look like Sea Monkeys (Moreno thinks they look like the snot in that cold medicine commercial). I've promised to do a Sea Monkey segment if someone sends me some.

I also somehow managed to draw a parallel between Zombieland and The Road. I swear, it makes sense. Anyway, give it a listen and let me know what you think, OK? By the way, if you win the "caption this" contest (the link is in the intro), you get the Fight Club Blu-ray. Yes, I take bribes.

I'm leaving the Never Sleep Again set in a bit to head over to the Star Trek DVD/Blu-ray release red carpet. Fingers crossed that I get to talk to Nimoy. Or at least try to form a full sentence before hugging him.

Please, PLEASE tell you you've seen Leonard Nimoy's "Ballad of Bilbo Baggins". If you haven't, you can't be my friend until you watch it.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Ming-Na, It's Always Sunny, Freddy Kreuger and Heat/Snow Miser

What a crazy day! Well, crazy since last night, when I hit the red carpet for...wait for's a mouthful...It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: A Very Sunny Christmas direct to DVD and Blu-ray launch party. It comes out December 17th and will be chock full of Yuletide fun. Claymation elf penises, violent Charlie dances and Danny DeVito's naked ass. I'm serious. Danny told me that if "you like sweaty Italians naked" you're in for a treat. More pictures from the red...I mean, yellow carpet at the end of the post.

This morning, I got a chance to the super cool Ming-Na from Stargate Universe. You guys know how much I love the show. Well, it just gained even more geek points! Ming-Na is a fellow geek girl! As always, I'll post the link when it goes live, but in the mean time, here's why she is on my "Geek Chics Rule" Twitter list. She loves Star Wars AND Star Trek. (I thought I was the only one not participating in the hate war.) And she played Dungeons & Dragons! Any girl who has handled the 20-sided die is cool in my book. She says tonight's episode is going to blow your mind (even though she's not in it) and she asked me to tell you guys to drop her a line with your thoughts. Follow her on Twitter: @mingna

Finally, I'm back on the set of Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy doing makeup. And the legendary Robert Englund just walked in. While I was painting him, he told me that he has a bunch of plans for Fear Clinic. I'm hoping to chat with him about it for JoBlo...fingers crossed.

And just cause we talked about it on the red carpet last night, here are my favorite weird Christmas videos ever. Heat Miser and Snow Miser!

You're welcome. ;)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Viggo Takes a Bath and Harry Hamlin's Hair

Finally. Finally! My Viggo Mortensen interview is up on Huff Po! Take a look HERE. He talks about The Hobbit, how The Road has affected his art...and how he enjoys a hot bath. I swear to you, there was a legitimate reason for asking about that. I will not swear that I didn't enjoy the mental picture that conjured up. And it's a pretty detailed mental picture, since the man has been naked in most of his films.

So, what do you guys think of the teaser trailer for Clash of the Titans? (Check it out HERE if you haven't seen it yet.) I know there has been a lot of talk on Twitter about the cheesiness, and yeah, I agree it was a pretty badly cut trailer with some silly prog rock (and I happen to like prog rock...go ahead and mock...let me take a look at your iPod) but isn't that kind of the point? I love the original in all it's craptastic glory. I mean, Harry Hamlin's hair alone is worth another viewing.

Seriously, look at that! There just aren't enough words to describe...anyway, I'm totally fine with the trailer cheesiness. I'm not expecting Citizen Kane here. Maybe it's just me, but I do not require brilliance from every film or television show I see. I don't always care if the script so good it needs to be bronzed or the 3D makes me feel like I'm right there in the middle of the forest with the blue creatures. Sometimes, I just want to have fun watching a film. I mean, I loved Death Race. No, I'm not kidding. Yeah it was bad, but they drove over power ups and Joan Allen says, "shit on the pavement"! Genius.

Just adding in this photo because the rabbit made me laugh this morning. Happy Thursday!

Monday, November 9, 2009

The lovely and talented Viggo Mortensen, and Scott Wolf might be an alien

On Friday night, I saw a screening of The Road. I never read the book, but I think I might have to now. The embargo is still up, so here is all I can tell you, pre-review. I was really affected by what I saw. I had a very specific opinion about it immediately afterward. And a completely different one the next day. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I'm viewing the world a bit differently today. And that's all I'll say for now. I don't want the studio to send out the assassins.

Viggo Mortensen is pretty, even covered in dirt.

Saturday, I got to interview the star of the film, Viggo Mortensen. I have to say, it's always a wonderful thing to find out that someone that good looking is actually a cool guy. I sat in on the round table interviews, and Viggo walked in with a tray of snacks. He also said that he read the script and the book on the same day. I cannot comprehend how he kept from shooting himself i the head...if you know the story, you'll understand. During our one on one (yes, I was alone in a hotel room with Viggo Mortensen)!, he was incredibly forthcoming and very sweet. I am pleased to report, I did not drool on his feet. It will be up on The Huffington Post soon. I promise many pretty pictures.

By the way, he is NOT retiring! See Twitter/Facebook buds? I read all your questions. And you'll have to read the interview to see what he says about The Hobbit.

I also got a chance to interview Scott Wolf this morning. I never watched Party of Five, but I do love the guy. Plus, he did four episodes of Saved by the Bell. He told me that he's not sure his character in V is not an alien! The actors have no idea. Kind of makes me want to watch it more, knowing that there aren't going to be a ton of foreshadowing moments I'm supposed to be taking notes on.

Keeping this short today so I can get those interviews up for you. Plus, I'm back on the Never Sleep Again set today and the elusive Mark Patton is coming in! He's been found! I'm not kidding. We have shirts that say so! I'll post pics, I promise.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Amanda Tapping, Misha Collins, 2012 Prophecy, and a Battle Cat

This morning, I interviewed the lovely Amanda Tapping. Seriously, this woman couldn't be nicer. Not only is she talented, (if you aren't watching Sanctuary, I'm coming right over there and berating you soundly) and a pleasure to talk to, but she's just started up a charity website called Sanctuary for Kids. It's a not for profit foundation that "serves to provide sanctuary for children who do not live with the right of safety in their lives." (I'm quoting from the site.) I'll have all the info when our interview goes up on Huff Po early next week, but in the meantime, please check out the website: Amanda told me that she and Sanctuary creator/producer Damian Kindler have donated all the start up costs, so every cent you donate goes straight to the kids. You can follow the site on Twitter @sanctuary4kids. They're auctioning off a Sanctuary set tour and lunch with Amanda and Damian.

Sanctuary airs Fridays at 10/9c on SYFY. I will be parked on my couch. Tonight's episode sounds amazing!

In other news, my interview with Supernatural's angelic Misha Collins is finally up on The Huffington Post! Did you guys catch last night's episode? Their CSI spoof cracked me the hell up! Check it out HERE. Misha was a blast to speak to, as usual. The guys is seriously funny! He's got a big face off with Lucifer coming up. He also mentioned a few angelic drinking games.

And last, but not least, the 2012 prophecy. As I mentioned a few posts ago, I covered the red carpet for the premiere of 2012. I asked a bunch of the cast and crew if they believed. Their answers are up on Popeater today. "2012 Stars on Doomsday Prophecy"

And the cat picture? It made me laugh so hard I had to redo my eyeliner. Couldn't resist putting it up. Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Morena Baccarin, Cassidy Freeman, Kelly Osbourne, Misha Collins, and I Heart Freelance...Sometimes

It's true. I'm trying to take over the world...I mean, internet. Mwah ha ha! I'm happy to announce that my first piece went up on this morning!

Sending a shout out to the very awesome Maurice LaMarche aka The Brain!

Look, I want to know what each paycheck is going to look like, just like everyone else, but I have to say, writing for so many sites has been an unbelievably helpful experience. It's given me the opportunity to learn so many different things, work with people I might never have met and write in different styles. I'm sure both my landlord and my dad would be happy to hear that I was working in one place, and I'm quite certain many of you have heard me complain about the life of a freelancer, but I just wanted to take a moment to talk about the positive side of it all. I'm lucky to be doing something I love and believe me, I don't take it for granted.

Whew! So here are today's interviews:

Up on Newsarama today is my interview with Smallville's Cassidy Freeman. She gives us some info on her role in the infamous JSA episodes and whether or not we'll see her throw down with Lois anytime soon.

On Popeater, we have my interview with Kelly Osbourne and her Dancing With the Stars partner, Louis Van Amstel. Boy, this was a rough one to schedule. But after years of musical theater, I totally get how important rehearsal is. I finally caught up to them late last night. Not sure what I was expecting, but they were wonderful to talk to. Kelly was completely open about how much this experience has changed her as a person.

Also on Popeater, my V interview with...wait for it Firefly fans...Morena Baccarin! As I said on Twitter, she couldn't have been nicer if she was coated in sugar. Seriously, she answered all of my questions, including the ones about production changes and her haircut. By the way, oh Dr. Horrible minions...she would LOVE to be in the sequel! She loves Joss and told me she would "do anything that man says."

Hoping to have my Misha Collins-Supernatural interview up on Huffington Post later today. I'll post when it goes live.

Well, I have officially geeked out in every way possible today...maybe no video game posts, but I'm going to give the typing fingers a rest tonight and play a little World of least until I have to prep for tomorrow's interview with Amanda Tapping. ;)